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Neuromechanics Fundamentals + Wearable Technologies = Impact


I am a new assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Lowell. Previously I was an assistant professor at University of Waterloo.  My lab will be building on aspects my past work while also forging our own path. My lab is looking for students and researchers who  share my (our) excitement for these research topics.


My lab is interested in evaluating, assisting, and rehabilitating function human movement.  Generally, my lab focuses on:


  1.  Fundamental and Applied Neuromuscular Mechanics of Human Movement

  2. Physical Human-Robot-Environment Interaction

  3. Developing and Applying Wearable Technologies (Sensing and Robotics)

  4. Applications in Rehabilitation and Assistance


We aim to take a holistic perspective and involve a broad range of disciplines (clinicians) and perspectives (users) in the scientific investigation and engineering development cycle.

Neuromechanics of Physical Human-Robot-Environment Interaction

The foundation of much of my lab’s work is and will be directed at understanding how humans generate effective movement, respond to environmental and task demands, and interact with wearable devices. This research will scale from whole-body energetics and volitional intent to low-level muscle neuromechanics.

Sensing Technologies

Our understanding of human neuromechanics and human-robot-environmental interaction is dependent upon the ability to collect robust and accurate measurements. My lab will develop multi-modal sensing and estimation technologies to measure the internal state of the human, the dynamics of the robot, and the external state of the environment.

Wearable Robotics

We are developing robotic actuation methods and controls approaches to assist and rehabilitate the individual in diverse tasks.   

Assisting and Rehabilitating Movement

We aim to make individual and societal impact by assisting and rehabilitating moment. 

Past Research Contributions

This section contains provides details on areas that I have either worked on as part of my post-doc at Harvard University or my PhD at UNC Chapel Hill and NC State. Additional details can be found under Publications or on my Google Scholar Page

Nuckols Lab

richard_nuckols [at] uml [dot] edu

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